After two years of hard work in developing our advanced trading algos, we’ve decided to focus on deploying them with our own trading capital instead of offering the algos to potential clients as a service.
The decision is a easy one to make as we have witnessed how good our algos perform in the current trading environment. We know that what we have is unique and it can be scaled massively as we continue to expand our trading technologies.
Even though we will still offer Big-Game Hunter through Striker Securities, we are not going to offer the more advanced algos to outsiders anymore. For those of you interested in the performance of BGH, here is the live trading results since we offered BGH to the public.

BGH survived the most volatile trading environment in recent history and still coming out ahead. In comparison with what we have developed today, it is a basic form of our trading algos without complex money management rules making it possible to be deployed on a standard trading platform through a third party brokerage.
Going forward, we will continue to expand our trading into more financial markets worldwide.
For investors and funds interested in what we are doing, you can contact our CEO directly at